Friday 31 January 2014

Questions- Artistry v.s Sports


  •  Is ballet considered more of a sport than an art?
  • How much is artistry taken into consideration putting productions on/auditioning new dancers etc.?
  • Is there a balance between the two?
  • Is it more important to be technically strong and perfect or artistic and interesting/unique?
  • Does keeping a good physique contribute to dance being considered a sport?


  1. Some questions in these blogs that I find really interesting!

    Commenting specifically on the following questions:

    "Does keeping a good physique contribute to dance being considered a sport" seems to imply you have already developed a stance on your initial question "is Ballet considered more of a sport than an art?"

    I think this is really interesting, as I think it depends who you talk to what their thoughts are: Many Dancers would agree, but would a Footballer, for example? What is the definition of a sport? Does Ballet fit this?

    I think your questions about technique verses performance is very relevant, especially as a teacher entering children for exams. Two very different children can go in, and end up with the same percentage but a very different mark allocation - this can also change depending on the examiners preferences. I think similar is seen with professionals. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder.

    Looking forward to your next posts.

    Take care


  2. Hi Megan

    I think this topic is highly debatable as dancing has always been considered an art. To me a sport involves any form of physical activity and athleticism.
    Dancing involves athleticism, strength and fitness, yet at the same time grace, elegance and artistry. In some ways it can fit into the category of sport, but through history it has always been highly regarded as a true art form. Again, balance is key here.
    With the knowledge of today, people are more aware of how to keep fit and athletic etc. where it is transferred into dance training. Yes it is highly important and so beneficial for any dancer or athlete to know about all of this but sometimes we (in general) get so focused on maintaining the one side of it that the artistic side is lost.

    Technique is something crucial for a dancer to have, but so is expression. People get so transfixed about how many turns a dancer can do, how high they can kick their legs and it almost turns into acrobatics with what people think as 'beautiful' and 'impressive.' I do agree totally that beauty is personal, and there should perhaps be more awareness about the artistic side in dancing.

    I look forward to reading yours too


  3. Hi Gaby,

    Really like all of your inquiry questions and feel some of them link well to my own. I personally agree with you and believe ballet is primarily an art form although nowadays people are turning it into a sport. More and more are we seeing gymnastic like dancers who are extremely talented becoming the be all and end all however for me despite this being a big wow factor, I would rather watch a dancer who expresses emotion both facially and through movement over watching somebody kick their leg 180 degrees. I'd watch gymnastics if I wanted to see that. I feel like auditions are set up to measure technique and not expression and it amazes me companies who are hiring people to perform on stage don't set up auditions to test this too.

    I am currently deciding between 2 inquiry topics, one being the physicality of dance and the other being management of productions and companies. Is it ok if I add you to my SIG as the topics you have mentioned are already helping with my own. Hope you find mine help yours too.

    Emma xx

  4. Hi Emma

    I totally agree with you on this topic, there is an imbalance of an audience's perspective towards what is entertaining, what is 'wow' to them and these days, especially in competitions all they want to see are tricks to keep them excited. Interestingly enough, as I am at the Cape Town International Ballet competition injured, I have ended up helping out the director and the judges so I am seeing it all from a totally different perspective. After this week is over, I will blog about it in some tags I will create on my blog. THought it would link well to the 'sports vs. artistry' category.
    As for the health and fitness inquiries, I have read your posts and would love to join your SIG group. Would you like to join mine as well, seeing that we are discovering similar topics?

    Gaby x
