Friday 17 April 2015

Main Challenges and Themes

At the start with trial survey, informal discussions with fellow work colleagues and dancers as well as observing and reflecting myself, I have firstly picked up the main challenges we face as dancers and categorised them into themes:
  1. Perfectionism
  2. Motivation and Inspiration
  3. Rejection
  4. Injury
  5. Physicality
  6. Relationships
  7. Uncertainty and unstable, short lived career
Through the whole research process of different literature sources (blogs, mental health and motivational websites, academic articles, a dance book finding balance, magazine articles, a documentary series breaking pointe),
I have thus been able to pick up the main qualities that an emotionally healthy and resilient person acquires.
  1. Positive
  2. Knows how to accept change and what situations can or can't control
  3. Mindful and aware of their emotions
  4. Motivated and inspired
  5. Confident and strong, assertive
  6. Has strong healthy relationships
  7. Compassionate and empathetic

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Diary Entry

These past few weeks have been a mixture of every emotion a dancer can feel and experience; nerves, stress, tiredness and frustration mixed with excitement, laughter, electrifying energy on stage!

Living the tour life while performing every night is mentally and physically draining, yet so refreshing and energizing at the same time. Yes your body gets tired and sore, and you might not feel on top form the whole time. But I truly believe that from the the opportunities and exposure we are getting, especially when the going gets tough, it is from these experiences that a dancer grows as an artist and comes out stronger than ever.

I have learnt a lot on how to deal with setbacks, obstacles and the pressures we face. I am not saying I have found the answer to it all, as I still have a lot to figure out with calmer approaches to handle at times. But every human being will always find some new experience to learn from. However from investigating on topic of emotional resilience in dancers, i have been able to observe and utilise a few skills and approaches that I have picked up and attempted to put into practice.