Wednesday 22 January 2014

Thoughts in action

Thinking about the next steps for the following module, leading into my professional inquiry has obviously got me thinking on what I really ask myself, what I really want to know more about in my profession as a dancer.

Something that keeps popping up is my interest in health and fitness, and hopefully this might turn into something interesting? For now here is a video clip I stumbled upon which fitted quite nicely with my thoughts:


  1. Hi Gabriella

    How are you? Good work on getting started! I'm still making my way through the reader and extensive reading list!

    Interesting he didn't mention Glutes as one of his important muscles. As a Ballet dancer, do you have any thoughts on this?

    Take care


  2. Hi Megan

    I am still working my way through, but it is taking quite a lot of time for it to all sink in and I just had so many questions out there already that I wanted to share!

    I know the gluteus are ones of the most important muscles for support and strength. They are the first to lose strength when on a break, or injured. If the strength is lost, you are susceptible to rolling in which affects the knees, you can't hold your turn out, and most of the impetus with basic movements are lost as often they come from underneath.
    Thanks for picking that up!

