Friday 31 January 2014

4a- Developing Lines of Professional Inquiry

Starting a new module brings in development, improvement and new knowledge. Having to inquire about my work practice has not come at a better time, being in the midst of a transitional phase with dancing myself.

Reading reader 4 has been quite hectic trying to grasp everything. What I have obtained is that the ultimate goal for this module is to explore a topic that will benefit my work and the work of colleagues, fellow professionals etc. It will in turn help identify my own unique learning.

As mentioned earlier, I have always been pretty interested in the whole health and fitness side of dancing, where I believe the vitality of a dancer is what is key to the utmost enjoyment of this demanding yet most exciting lifestyle.
There have been a fare few questions that pop up daily in my thoughts, and so I have organized them in the following posts to come… feel free to read on...


  1. I am trying to do a lot of strengthening work with my students at the moment to help move their identification/understanding of different muscle groups forwards in the hope that this will have a positive effect on their technique.

    I read an interesting article yesterday which touched upon the differing ideas on whether a Ballet class is a complete fitness programme or not. I'll put a link up on my blog.


  2. Sounds great. I do agree that being able to understand the mechanics of the muscle groups helps to link and identify how they work when dancing, thus why technique is so important as it creates that base.
    Please that would be very interesting, would be lovely to read.

    I wish you all the best with the outcome of the strengthening work!


  3. Hi Gabrielle

    I'll correct it on my blog now! Here's the link:

    Take care

