Sunday 10 November 2013

Task 2d- Part 1!

When I read the first part of 2d, I really had to stop and think at the very first question: what questions do you have? (about how reflection relates to regarding what happens in your daily work practice events.)
My Initial thoughts were that it would take me a long time to develop and complete all of these questions, with additional ones that come up into my mind. As this whole task is about reflection, with my essential tools being my notebook and my coloured pens, I started jotting my current thoughts down straight away! (Whilst sitting by the pool, listening to my favourite new album of the Piano Guys, and soaking in the sun!) Starting off with an excerpt from my journal:

What questions do you have?

How do I get a clearer direction about where I am going for the future? Who do I admire that knows where she is going (in the dance world)?

  • Always in the process of learning. Every experience will help me clear out the path of where I want to go as dancer. It is such a spontaneous profession in a sense that you never know what opportunities may arise. Sometimes it comes when least expected...
  • I admire one of my greatest friends from school, now working in Ballet Dortmund. She has always been very sure of herself and knows what she wants. She doesn't get distracted or let other people lead or manipulate her in other directions. THis is a great attribute I aspire to and she is one of my greatest idols as a stunning human being.

What experience and opportunities am I gaining from: Dancing with JSLN, being part of this whole beginning?

  • Confidence
  • Pride
  • Sense of maturity
  • More certain
  • Development
  • Hard work- exciting!
*Living an experience!

Is routine really important?

I like to look forward to a routine, and lately with moving studios and all the timetable has been different. Yes to me a routine is great! But I have noticed that sometimes it is good to not live by a set timetable- to be able to work in different/new environments or ways, or when relaxing to actually relax, get away from the 'norm,' reflect about learning from a different way of living life.

*Go out of your comfort zone to be able to learn and develop further ideas

What ideas do you think about regularly? (Present)
  • Getting ready for the China tour- 10 days!
  • Getting my solos ready for DVD
  • Imagine- to reach your goal, grow as an artist and strive for the best possible you can and ant to be!
Writing this down helped me ground my thoughts to able to move on to the next questions about reflective inquiry.

What gets you enthusiastic, to find out more?

  • Any new choreography! It is something for the brain to work on and process from the mind to the body. Especially if it is a way of movements I like... and music! Music is something that inspires me a huge amount. It helps to find out how far the body can reach its limits with the choreography and music interpretation. But even outside work, I constantly have my Deezer app and my headphones at hand. 
  • For e.g: learning a new variation- Nikiya's death, La Bayadere. Yesterday I finished learning it and felt so enthusiastic to work on it, perfect it so I can portray it to the best of my ability. The music is beautiful and the choreography is challenging, but I love it! It is a bit different to the usual version (Kirov version) which in a way I like even more.
  • New corrections. To find out how the body can adapt to new ways/correct ways of portraying a step or certain piece of choreography/way of moving is always intriguing. It is the whole idea of knowing how to correct and make something better in order to improve. Naturally I am a perfectionist, so I enjoy making something look better, and feel better too.
  • Something I work on improves or is achieved- pirouettes, longer balances, a difficult step/sequence/piece. * Getting over the obstacle to reach for your goals.
  • Healthy, wholesome food and nutrition. This does not relate directly to my work practice, however I find it is an important factor and addition to a dancer's lifestyle. I love food, anything that tastes good. But what gets me really exited is when there are nutritious meals that are healthy for you which taste good too, because often 'healthy food' is not percieved to be delicious! The whole idea of creating something, cooking and making it with your own hands to then be able to be enjoyed by you and your body is very rewarding!
Who do you admire, who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?

  • Naturally my colleagues. Especially we are such a small company, we have to really work well together in order to produce good work to the best of our ability- like working as a team. Luckily, we all do. Everyone has a great work ethic, and over time we are always learning from each other on their different ways of moving, dynamics and ways of approaching certain choreographies plus anything else relating to the company's work. 
  • The energy and atmosphere of a room contributes a lot on the enthusiasm from each other, and I have learnt that keeping our positive energy as a whole will aid in the motivation towards our work practice. The more positive and good energy that feeds off one another, the easier it is to stay determined and focused, thus it is rewarding at the end of the day to see how we can grow. For this reason I admire my colleagues, but also my director Soren Niewelt. It is a tough path starting up a ballet/contemporary company in Singapore, regarding certain criteria that needs to be done, politics, financial demands, and with so few dancers. However he has managed to keep JSLN running, no matter what obstacles are in the way, and keep the pure essence of enthusiasm going.
  • Moving on into another direction, there have been two stand out health practioners/ cooks that have really inspired me to cook new and interesting wholesome food! First is Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook, and secondly the blog deliciously Ella! They both follow the path of a gluten/dairy free diet which I admire as it is so hard to religiously stick to such a strict way of eating with the temptations of today, however they have great food ideas and recipes! 

So here is my first part on reflecting 'inwards' as part of task 2d...more postings will be coming soon!


  1. Hello Gabrielle

    Really enjoyed reading this blog as i have just posted my Task 2D. I like how you said you are enthusiastic about new choreography and new corrections. Do you ever feel anxious at the thought of learning something new and whether you will be able to perform it well as you mentioned you are a perfectionist?

    I also enjoy finding out new healthy recipes and do believe healthy eating is very much something all dancers are conscious of more so than non dancers. I will have a look at those links now :)

    Also if you highlight your link and press the 'link' button when editing your blog it can allow the reader to just click on it and be sent to the page directly.

    Look forward to reading the next part!

    Heather X

  2. Hi Heather

    Glad you enjoyed it and will view your post on 2d soon.
    Yes sometimes I do feel anxious, especially if it's certain steps I don't think I can execute well or feel nervous about doing on stage, but then I think how it is a challenge and a new learning experience. Because at the end of the day it will aid improvement and development in my dancing :)

    I have highlighted the links for you! The blog is especially a great find!

    Now I am working on the next part. Looking forward to reading yours!

  3. Forward looking thinking Gaby. You are also 'seeing' the others in your work and relating what you do to their 'jobs'. The atmosphere of the dance studio is one that could be compared to other creative settings, for example a film set. Really like the thinking for preparation to China tour - challenging professionally - anticipation and preparation. There is a a lot here to think about and come back to when you think about your inquiry.

  4. Hi Gabrielle

    I'm sure I'm taking the wrong part away from this blog, but right at the end you talk about admiration for people who religiously stick to such a strict way of eating:

    Do you need to be dairy or gluten free? I have Coeliacs Disease and I don't think of it as difficult (annoying maybe - especially living in china). Coeliacs, like arthritis or diabetes, is an autoimmune disease and whereas treatment for others may include medicine, treatment for Coeliacs involves cutting out certain foods and for me personally, it is not worth the results of eating them.

    I can't wait to have a look at these websites - thank you!

  5. Hi Megan

    No I don't need to stick to a gluten/dairy free diet but I have always been interested in healthy eating. It just often turns out that the healthier options end up being gluten or dairy free, or otherwise a good way to go is eating fresh produce, whole grains and organic!
    I am glad you are able to find these sites useful. It seems like if it is not worth eating those certain foods than it shouldn't be too difficult, but just normal for you?

    You are welcome and I hope you enjoy the recipes!
