Monday 17 March 2014

Ethics- 5a

To keep a certain dignity in your own work place is crucial in maintaining a successful career path, and I find following the ethical codes of your professional practice will help to do so.  To me it shows a sign of respect for your work environment, your job, your colleagues and most importantly yourself!
There are many ethics in the professional dance environment. 

Some basics:
·      Respect- directors, teachers, choreographers, co-workers, musicians, wardrobe
·      Turn up on time for class and rehearsals
·      Be polite and diplomatic
·      Reliable
·      Alert
·      Listen to your own body
·      Keep positive as to not spread any negative energy

Studio and rehearsals
·      Wear appropriate attire for class and rehearsals
·      Listen to the teachers and choreographers- apply corrections
·      Respect each others space and positions
·      Don’t leave bags all over the place
·      Wear the right shoes
·      Practice lifts with someone marking behind
·      Practice safely
·      Warm up before any dancing!

·      Know your schedule and casting
·      Stay well into the wings
·      Keep wing space clear
·      Respect each other’s performance preparations
·      Take good care of costumes- don’t eat with them on!
·      Try not make anyone else nervous
·      Don’t get in any crew member’s way

·      Eat well
·      Sleep well and rest when needed
·      Keep your body fit, and flexible
·      Look after your body

Many of these ethics can be similar in other organizations, and looking at this I could definitely keep some in mind for my inquiry- respect others, positivity, polite and diplomatic. Plagiarism and ‘legit’ information would need to be considered when researching/reviewing literature. Information would need to be kept confidential when blogging on progress, feedback and obtaining personal opinions.

*A note to add:

Recently I have gained some great advice from one ballet director, who highly regard and look up to, said that whenever leaving a company/workplace or transitioning into another one always leave on good terms!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post gabrielle, I agree with you completely, I like your outlook on ethics and how important others are to ourselves, the maintenance and care of environment and in general how we should compose ourselves whilst working.
